
A Funny Thought

Do you go through your day and nobody ever says anything funny? A whole day? Not one snide remark or glib comment?

Do you go through your whole story and nobody ever says anything funny?


37 replies on “A Funny Thought”

Must admit I hold back the quips in posts for the sake of Anglo-American relations! Writing – that’s an interesting one … when I posted ‘Awakening’ in the early days of my WIP friends said that’s exactly you so I tuned myself out and it seems the humour too…I guess it takes a while to readjust the balance between yourself and you the writer…humour coming in my stuff…understated Brit style of course!

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In the process of making the potentially traumatic move from the 55-64 age group on ‘the form’ to the penultimate 65-75 group. Although this does convert me, once more to a ‘youngster’ I nonetheless realise my responsibilities to take up the role of ‘Miserable Old……’ (which I have been training for since I was 16). In consequence as part of my training I deliberately misconstrue comments as ‘not funny’ or ‘shallow’ or ‘Uhh! Heard it before’ and other such joy-sucking statements.

This I believe is an important role as it allows others to compare themselves to me and feel a sense of relief; of course as far as I am concerned, they are welcome to it (You can’t afford to slip up on this sort of training y’know; it’s never easy. We grumpy sorts are never appreciated by Society).

Ah well, can’t stop. Must work on some truly grim statements and sardonic comments to caste a cloud of gloom over the next New Year’s Eve parties.

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My husband, Danny, is very funny so no, I don’t get through a day without laughing. I try to be funny but my serious side overwhelms my silly side. People get bored when I tell a funny story due to all the details I think are important to the story. Its like they do that thing with their hand that says, “Get on with the story.” I am happy that I found blogging as an outlet for all that has been boiling over in me, needing an outlet.” Thanks for all that you add to the adventure.

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Interesting point: I say funny things all day (well, *I* think they’re funny) and yet yes, I write plenty of short stories that are serious from beginning to end. It’s harder with short stories, I think; you don’t have a lot of time to insert a little humor without throwing the whole mood off. In my WIP novel, I tend to have chapter after chapter of tension, guilt, and/or fear with nothing funny at all, then bring in a lighter scene to relax the mood a bit. Maybe I could add a little more sarcasm or dark humor to the serious chapters, but I want to avoid the action movie cliche where the heroes are so unflappable that they’re constantly quipping in the face of danger.

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Yeah, definitely want to avoid a cliche. And some stories are sad, or dark or melancholy; there’s nothing wrong with that. But I think – I know – it doesn’t really reflect reality, and it might make our stories a tiny bit better to have a moment of levity here and there, as you point out.

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I get my daily laugh on FB. Is that sad? LOL. BTW, just found your newsletter in gmail spam, wow! Lol. Loved it! FYI the share buttons below the letter (of course I was trying to share the letter) don’t share your post, rather they directed me to my own twitter and facebook page. ? 🙂

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Am reminded of the e-card saying: “That awkward moment when your sarcasm is so advanced that people actually think you are stupid.”

Also Dudley Moore’s character Arthur: “Sometimes I just think funny things.”

I do like to amuse myself. I’ve just gotten used to the “what the f is he giggling about?” look.

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