
An Invitation to “ksbeth”

Your humble host.
Your humble host.

We talk a lot here about building your author platform. While this blog is usually geared toward helping authors improve their writing, occasionally a game is a nice break. Would it grow your base? Maybe. But it’ll show a different side of you, just like the occasional “I’m sick today” post would, or a set of vacation pictures. The point is, to occasionally show yourself as human in your social media. Most blogs do that, but most tweets don’t. Think about mixing it up.

Also, every time I post there are a few people who ALWAYS click Like or Share – and do so almost immediately.

I’d like to recognize one of the many – thank you all – who do that.

Last night I posted about maybe playing a “write the next paragraph” game, and out of curiosity I wondered how long it would be before anybody clicked like.

I knew there’d be a dozen when I woke up this morning, and my emails would tell me who was first, more or less, but within five minutes I had my first like for this post.



Her “about” section reads:

Hello, I am the mother of grown daughters, with grandchildren galore, an enthusiastic dater, a lover of the arts, a teacher, a cupcake maker, a Twister and Trivia champ, and most of all, a keen observer of life.  I enjoy being a part of the twists and turns that occur while wandering through everyday events. Many of these happenstances leave me asking, “Why?”  While I have been told, more than once, that the reason things have or haven’t happened in my life is because I had no glasses on, rest assured that even if I did have my glasses on, the answers would quite often be unclear. This site is simply an observation, and while blurry at times, an honest attempt to make some sense of it all. Enjoy the ride – Beth

In there, you get a lot of information. She’s smart, funny, she self-deprecating, and she’s open to just about anything.

Her “about” page has over 400 comments, and over 500 bloggers clicked “Like” on it!

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May of her posts have HUNDREDS of comments, and she replies – courteously – to each one, often engaging in lengthy conversations.

Authors – see anything about that YOU’D enjoy on your blog?

Beth walks the walk. That’s part of why her following is so huge.

I don’t have to have all the great ideas. Many of you have great ideas. You are doing good things and we need to know about them. Not every person can do them all, but by sharing ideas we each get more to choose from. Some will work for us.

I’ve never done this, and it may not work, but I’d like to invite Beth to do a guest post and tell us a little about how she created such a huge following to her blog. Maybe we’ll learn something!

I await her answer…

But in any case, I wanted to say THANK YOU to Beth for being such an amazing supporter of the site!

7 replies on “An Invitation to “ksbeth””

Thank you for sharing the tips on how I can engage my followers. I think it is important to make sure the writer close the gap between him and his audience. We need to come up with more innovative ideas to pull in the gap closer.

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