
Gosh, what about that?

This really has me thinking. 

Can that be true?

Per K. M. Weiland, plot points are as follows

So what do you think?

23 replies on “Gosh, what about that?”

It seems that Billy Wilder and K.M. Weiland have different interpretations of the term “plot point”. Personally, I prefer the idea of crafting memorable scenes, and it seems natural that good plot points are memorable.

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Very interesting point. Hmmm, my first reaction to Wilder’s statement was to lock on to the word “elegant.” I agree with karladia that “good plot points are memorable” but perhaps are made so by the subtle narrative progression towards that moment–a logical progression that is so smooth (elegant) that the reader experiences deep appreciation and insight for that critical scene–and never forgets it. Does that make any sense? 🙂

I agree with you it’s definitely intriguing.

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When I took that screen writing workshop, they literally laid out the times (in minutes),throughout the story, where they felt the audience would require a shift in action (plot point). I can see it in films. However I believe that the talent of the writer to make it work without being blatant IS an art. A well told story makes the reader feel it is their idea to turn the page.

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the more subtle you are at hiding your plot points, the better you are as a writer, and the less likely you are to insult your audience’s intelligence.

When story points are pounded home, and worse the author goes on to lead me as to how I should feel about what just happened, it like saying, hey dumbass…I have to spell this out for you are you’ll never get it.

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You know, I keep coming back to the subtle aspect of it. I would’ve thought plot points were easily identifiable and therefore the peak of drama or something. To consider them subtle means some won’t realize they stumbled across them. And that’s fine, it is not something I really thought about. Got me to thinking.

As always, I want to be a great writer, so when somebody says great writing is… I need to consider subtlety. That really got me thinking because I think I am rarely subtle with a plot point. My editor may disagree.


It begs for examples from Wilder so we can all go aha. Considering his work, I’d say he was on to something. It was a different era and he worked with the biggest of big stars, icon Marylyn Monroe, but he had a style that was certainly elegant.


I don’t think the two definitions, or thoughts, on plot points are mutually exclusive. They are the points where the story is progressed by leaps and are memorable, but they don’t have to beat you over the head and say “here I am!” – as someone else pointed out above, you don’t want to lead your reader into what they’re “supposed” to think/feel.

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Right. I think that’s becoming the consensus. I never meant for them to be opposing opinions, I simply looked for a quick and easy definition of plot points to for anybody who didn’t really know what a plot point was.

And then the subtle and elegant aspect kinda got to me.

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I think I kind of get it…Maybe? Like the Titanic example. The plot point is “boat hits iceberg.” But that isn’t really the STORY. The story is the people and their relationships and the contrast between before and after. ???

I gravitate towards the pointless, so I dunno. 🙂

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