
A Range Of Emotions

life of moi cover 1
Inside The Life Of Moi

We’ve been talking about emotions in our Friday Flash Fiction Challenges. It’s worth noting that, on occasion, someone will be going through something emotional and they’ll blog about it. On days like that, you should read the blog, understand the emotions, and think about capturing the joy, pain, misery, confusion – whatever the blogger is sharing.

You should also be respectful. Unlike a grave robber, we want to study these emotions so we can learn how to write them into our characters. Don’t be a ghoul.

So when friend of the blog Amanda Lyle (Inside The Life Of Moi) posted about her decision to consider a divorce, it was painful to read. It made me sad. I was filled with empathy. The post was filled with fear and anger and love and hate – and Trust and Honesty. She is telling us about the rough spot she’s in right now.

So read it and understand what your characters might experience in your story if something like this were to happen to them, and save it as a reference, but don’t be afraid to let your eyes tear up – and if you do, remember that and put it into your writing like Amanda just did.

I asked Amanda for permission to reblog her post here, so you could learn from it, and she graciously accepted. Here’s her post.


Amanda Lyle

Life works in mysterious ways. Just when we think the cards are on our side.


Reality is flung upon the table and smacks the cards right out of our grasp. One by one they fly into the oblivion; the future that was there for us to see, no longer.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“All I want for Christmas… is a divorce!”

A week before Christmas, I experienced what I can only describe as a breakdown. No. Not the type of breakdown that leaves you waving your arms despairingly on the roadside. I’m talking about the type of breakdown that has you weeping behind the wheel as a Christmas song blasts cheerfully through your stereo. And when I say weeping, I mean blubbering like a baby; mouth wide open and bubbling from the nose. That’s right, as Mariah continued to belt out my once Christmas favourite, there was no stopping the floodgates that had become my eyes. Meanwhile, onlookers gazed at me, wondering who had stolen my Christmas cheer, or more likely, questioning who this crazy lady was sobbing inconsolably to the blaring Christmas classic.

Was this what rock bottom felt like?

As the bells continued to jiggle resonant of better times, a pang of realisation stabbed me straight through the heart.

I froze.

The truth was; I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so lost. So unhappy. So empty inside.

I had reached a crossroads. The signposts were clear to see; one was labelled “STAY” and the other labelled “GO”. Simple, huh? Surely you’d put your foot to the pedal and go? But why was this decision so heart-wrenching? Why could I not bring myself to move forwards? Why was I so determined to stay “stuck”?

I am, of course, talking about my marriage.

My husband and I hadn’t been getting on for some time. We had grown apart. We had tried just about everything to salvage the remnants of our fraying relationship but to no avail. We became strangers who glided in and out of each other’s lives. Strangers who couldn’t connect with one another; who, at times, really disliked each other; who, at other times, couldn’t bear to be in the same room as one another. And, dare I say it, sometimes even fantasised about strangling the life out of each other. And yet, we both pondered – with aching hearts – how this came to be? How do two people, who once loved the bones of each other, reach such a point of desperation?

To continue reading, please click HERE and follow over to Amanda’s blog. 

Amanda Lyle

I’ve enjoyed Amanda’s blog for a long time and it has been one of the most successful ones I’ve seen. Check it out. – Dan

“I’m just a small-town girl trying to make her mark on the world… tap by tap, article by article. Grab yourself a cup of tea, pull up a pew and come read all about it! (There will be biscuits!)” – Amanda.


2012 b2
Your humble host.

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Dan Alatorre is the author of several bestsellers and the hilarious upcoming novel “Poggibonsi: an italian misadventure.” Click HERE to check out his other works.

42 replies on “A Range Of Emotions”

Yeah, it’s tough to read, but you can feel the emotions coming off the page. Posts like that are worth capturing so we can draw on it when we need to write a character. Just reading over it gives you the deep frustration and everything else.

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She was brave to put it out there (and honest; she admits it’s not all his fault) but in return she’s gotten hundreds of well wishers who probably made her feel a lot better, too, and she won’t feel so alone in the process.

Lots or writers can’t be that open about feelings even when it’s a character experiencing it. Think about that.

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She was definitely brave to put it out there and, to be quite honest, I’m not sure I could do that myself. But you’re right, she’s received heaps of support and I guess that’s what blogging is all about – reaching out to others, touching them with our words and forging connections that make a difference.

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Many of you write romance, and often the romance will have breakups and other “rocks” to be thrown at your characters.

Heck, even non-romance stories have emotional rough spots for characters.

I read a blog post recently where the writer was really raging at her (now) ex-boyfriend. It was full of emotion. Then I read a romance story in my critique group and the character breaks up with her lover and is just a little sad. Going deeper into the emotions – when appropriate – really fleshes out a character. That makes a big difference.


It hurts to read, as a reader and a follower of her blog; she’s usually so upbeat, you know? But also, from a writer’s viewpoint, she really puts the emotions on the page – and we writers sometimes don’t even do that, even though we’re writing about a made-up character in our story. So there’s a lesson to learn.

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I’m not judging her. I don’t like to
Be judged. I’m apologize if I
Came off that way. I feel for her.
I know she has children. I’ve been where she is before. I got out of a horrible marriage. I met a wonderful man. Even with meeting a supportive man. It’s a million times harder than what some may think. I’m not judging. Just She hope she is prepared. It can be done. Good luck ❤️
Again I apologize if I was judging

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This post took me back in time and got me thinking about a lot of different emotions. Being where she is, twice in fact, I can very much relate to the variety of feelings, blame, recriminations and especially anger that lasts for a long time. I used to wake up in the night usually at 2 or 3 am and think about all the mean things my ex husband did including some really horrible actions on our honeymoon of all places and I just couldn’t get over them. But it all ended when I wrote him an extremely scathing e mail ( I hope his new wife read it) that just spelled out how I felt. I mean who treats their new wife badly on a honeymoon? I wanted to get off the cruise ship in Mexico end it right there but… Sorry this is not meant to be a testimonial. Just wanted to say I feel bad for you, Amanda, hope everything works out one way or another. You sound like a strong, articulate woman. All the best

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Eek! I’m glad you got rid of him!

Yeah, Amanda’s post will touch a lot of sore spots in people, and as I’ve said here many times, great writing isn’t safe, so don’t be afraid to “go there” in your story because you see how the honesty connects.

Look at how many people came out to tell her words of support because they’d been there. Some were like me, generally supportive, never having gone through a divorce, but the process has been described as similar to the grieving process, the stages of grief we experience when a loved one dies, as we mourn the death of the marriage, or the potential death of it.

People relate to human emotions and honest emotions, and we all have them. Put them in your stories and the words take on a greater meaning.


Thank you to everyone who read my post with an open mind and heart. It wasn’t easy to share such an intimate part of my life, but strangely cathartic. Liberating, in fact. And everyone’s love and support has been somewhat overwhelming for me. What a beautiful community we have here on WordPress. A place I can truly be myself without judgement. 🙂

Thanks Dan, for using this piece as an example. I’m glad you felt the rawness of my words. As much as it pained me to write them, I am so very glad that I did.

Thanks again 🙂

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Dan, I just read 2 of your newest posts, on Lucy, and Senioritis. The pages won’t open up here to ‘like’ or comment? I also don’t see them listed here as recent posts? Perhaps they’re under construction? Or is wordpress at it again?

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