
A Great Quote

Dan AlatorreMany times in interviews, I have mentioned that I basically type with two fingers.

My wife hates to watch me type, and I’m a little self conscious about it – an author who types with two fingers? So I bring it up in interviews to come off as humble and self-effacing, but I was always a bit insecure about it…

Until I read this:

“I never really learned to type. I’m totally left-handed, and I just started typing with my pointer finger, nothing else, just one finger, not even two. And I’ve now written 300 books on this finger.” – R. L. Stine



7 replies on “A Great Quote”


I’ve had bosses who typed with 2 fingers and could get up to 35wpm. At that speed, it’s still faster than using a pen.

Being dyslexic, writing is hard. I’m constantly turning letters and number around. But with a computer keyboard, both hands are flying at 90 words per minute.

The key is this: Whatever it takes to write, do it. 🙂

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Actually, most of them. I used to sit in meetings and type the whole time (it helps me process what was said better). More than once, a speaker contradicted what s/he’d said and I read, word for word, what had been said previously.

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Bet they loved seeing you in a meeting.

One time I was at the Florida Writer’s Association conference giving a presentation and I said the three most important things to remember (about my topic) were – and I listed the first one and talked about it, then the mentioned the second one and talked about it. Then I ran out of time and said Thank you, goodnight! One lady in the first row was like, what was the third most important thing? I was like, beats me. What were the first two?

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I think they all thought it was part of the act because I’d run out of time – that I was kidding.

I wasn’t.

But, no – my presentations were extremely popular at FWA. People would pack the ballroom (it was a sectioned off part of the big ballroom) and laugh for an hour as I talked about writerly stuff, and when they left, they probably couldn’t tell you one thing they’d learned, but they would say they had a blast. My reviews were always 5 stars there.

It drove the other presenters nuts, especially if they’d rehearsed what they were going to say.

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I had a friend in the early 90’s who could go on-stage and talk for 45 minutes. It looked liked he’d planned the whole thing.

I’m in awe of anyone capable of standing in front of a crowd and giving 5 star presentations.


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