
You have questions. Ask away.

your humble host

This blog has long been a friendly place to come and learn, and what better way to learn than to ask?

You have questions. Writer stuff, marketing, motivation, you name it.


Your questions. Your challenges. Your issues.

If I don’t know, we’ll put it out to my vast network of author friends and get an answer. Or I’ll make something up.


Many people helped me when I was starting out because I was willing to ask what I needed to know.

That shortened my learning curve substantially.

– Dan Alatorre

So go ahead. Ask me anything.

11 replies on “You have questions. Ask away.”

Well believe it or not, I’m not the expert on young adults superhero stories!

But luckily for you, we do have some experts around here who can lend a hand.

I will defer to Allison and I bet she says something between 40 and 60,000. Let’s see what she comes up with.

Liked by 1 person

What do YOU think? Let me hear from ya.