
Facebook or Snapchat – or something else? What social media do you use?

your humble host

What social media do you use?

I’m not talking about which social media you have subscribed to. I’ve probably subscribed to all of them.


I’m talking about the ones you actually use.


For example, I check Facebook all the time. I use it all the time. I post all the time. I use Facebook Messenger… So I’d say I use Facebook a lot – depending on what I’m doing.

Mostly I communicate with my readers and other writers through my blog.

  • Do I have Twitter and a bunch of other stuff? Yes.
  • Do I use those things very often? No.




For various reasons, but it boils down to this: they either aren’t productive in my eyes or they’re difficult to use. (And most apps are not difficult to use.) Productive means they give me a verifiable return on the investment of my time or my money.


I keep hearing that Facebook is dead. I like it. But why would people say it’s dead?

Because they don’t use it and they like something else better.


Most of the time, the “parent” – somebody my age – is on Facebook and the “child” is on Snapchat or something else. So now it becomes a game of: where is your intended audience? You don’t want to try to reach everybody. You think you do, but you don’t.


You want to be where your readers are.

Yes but everybody wants to read my book, right?


There’s a market for your book. Find it.cover

People who are going to read Savvy Stories are on Facebook. (Maybe a few are on Snapchat, but not many.) People who want to read Young Adult stuff might be on Snapchat – and most of those they are definitely are not on Facebook.


I’m not saying you shouldn’t be on all types of social media – you should.

I’m saying you need to emphasize your efforts to be where your readers are.


And now I’d like to ask: Where are my readers?

Look at some of my books and tell me where, if you were marketing them, where you would market them? 

I think it’s going to be Facebook ads, but to a greater extent it will be Amazon ads. Not Twitter, not Pinterest, not Snapchat…


What do you write and where are your readers?

And since we are talking about social media, how about you share and reblog and tweet the March Word Weaver Writing Contest? Click HERE to open that page – then share away!


12 replies on “Facebook or Snapchat – or something else? What social media do you use?”

Hi Dan, this is a great question that I often ponder myself. I haven’t published yet, and really only write on my blog… so I’m not marketing myself much. BUT I really love Instagram. I feel like IG is great for meeting new people and sharing ideas through visuals. Twitter would be my next favorite, though I haven’t had the time lately to keep up with it. Again, you can build followers easily. Does it lead to book sales? Not sure. Facebook I think is good for when you already have a fan base… because it’s hard to meet folks. On the other hand, it’s a good place to post writing and easy enough for readers to share with others…
So, I don’t know. I would market your books in areas where I think parents are hanging out and looking for gift ideas… google search, pinterest, instagram, twitter, magazines, radio spots? How do you market them? 🙂

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These are great insights – and further proof that we will all tend to do more volume in the social media that we find success, and it’s worth trying all of them but they are not all going to be successful for all of us.

I do lots of different things but what has brought me the biggest and most quantifiable numbers has been paid media advertising. There are very few sites that I spend money on that actually get me a result, though! And a site that works for a romance story might not work for an adventure story. Network around with people who write the types of stories you’re right, I have ask them what works for them. The closer you get to somebody who’s writing what you are writing, the closer you will be able to emulate whatever success they are enjoying – but be careful to discover what they consider success. To some that would be selling five books in a day. To others it would be selling five books in a month.

The other thing that has worked surprisingly well with very little effort was the scary anthology. Having 20 people all do a little bit here and there to promote a book, that had a nice magnifier affect. We all had different audiences and as our individual audiences liked and shared and reviewed the book, we reached exponentially higher numbers of people. It was an interesting experiment that cost almost nothing (it doesn’t really pay a lot back, either) but I like to think if something works on a small scale it will work on a large scale. How to turn that into large scale is the question but probably mailing lists are the way to go there. And there are a lot of ups and downs in doing a mailing list, most specifically the giant amount of waste. But in the end, diligent management of the list seems to be the way to go. After all, book bub is just a mailing list.

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As I do my radio for another company, not my own, I have not been “about” the stats. I can tell you that last year, we had over 4.8 million hits to the magazine from all over the world and tens of thousands went through half the magazine in each visit. As my radio podcasts are on their page there, they are treated more like posts than programs.

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