
Everything Eventually Connects

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Image credits: psychology today,


Well, see… maybe that’s true.

Check this out. It takes a moment, so bear with me.

I wrote Savvy Stories, which was funny vignettes about me and my family.


Then I wrote the paranormal thriller An Angel On Her Shoulder, which had some great characters and amazing scenes, but was a weak novel in spots.

Angel w Tagline

It needed work. It’s getting it. You’ll love it when it’s done.

You’ll love Father Frank.

LOVE him.

But I digress.


I was the dad in Savvy Stories. I was the dad in Angel – by name, both times. (That’ll change in Angel, but again, stay with me.)

I am the dad in The Navigators, Mr. Mills, and Melissa is my daughter, as I project her to be an adult. Mr. Mills is a big powerful lawyer in Tampa (which I a not).


Here’s where it gets interesting. The MC in Poggibonsi, Mike, is basically me again, (but I don’t do ANY of the bad stuff he does, okay?) Mike’s assistant in Poggi is Sam, easily the most memorable character the story.

Poggi cover test 4 BORDER

In The Water Castle, Sam from Poggibonsi has a sister named Nikki who lives in Tampa and works at a law firm – the one founded by Mr. Mills from The Navigators. Sam comes to visit Nikki on the 10th anniversary of Nikki’s husband’s death – and a VERY strange series of events happen. Involving a magic portal that Nikki’s daughter discovers at a park her dad used to take her to.

Navs 2 features a young man named Tommy (a nice kid from The Water Castle) visiting Barry (from The Navigators) at Barry’s paleontology office to discuss an amazing find – possibly a magic portal in an old Spanish fort St Augustine, similar to the discovery in The water Castle. Tommy thinks there may be more of them. Barry doesn’t think so. But their small plane crashes before they get to find out.

no pic of the water castle yet

And some of the folks in Angel will be folks we met in The Water Castle. I don’t need to name my family in a paranormal thriller; we lived these events, but that doesn’t mean 100% of what happens actually happens.

So, there are connections.


Why not?

I have to create characters. I tend to place them where I live. That means they could all know each other or have these tangential connections.

The Navigators takes place in Tampa.

So does Savvy Stories.

So does The Water Castle.

So does An Angel On Her Shoulder.

And even though Poggibonsi takes place in Atlanta and Italy, Sam (Atlanta) is the sister of Nikki (Tampa).

I won’t mention this often, but people who read the stories will like seeing characters pop up from other stories, and people who didn’t know the character before won’t have a negative experience for not knowing them

It’s just fun for me.

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Dan Alatorre is the author of several bestsellers and the amazingly great sci fi action thriller “The Navigators.” Click HERE to get your copy of The Navigators – FREE on Kindle Unlimited!


9 replies on “Everything Eventually Connects”

I think…it’s cool as a reader to have characters jump stories. Especially if they are my favourite characters. :). It’s also fun to write your (people) into different situations.
I have a writer friend, who borrowed one of my characters. It was a blast to sit in two different locations and write together, and see how your character would react when you weren’t controlling all the elements.

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Definitely nice to have those connections. And I also agree it makes a big difference when you know the place you’re writing about. I once wrote a scene that took place in a town I’d never been to. When I did go there, I changed only one sentence, but the whole thing felt much better. Of course, if the novel takes place on Mars, it might not be easy.

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I’ll agree we can properly describe places we’ve never been because the Internet (videos, travel pictures and descriptions) helps, but as you indicate – actually going there can make a big difference . In Poggibonsi, people said I made Italy a character. That’s a cool compliment.

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