

Well, somehow when I went in to thank KatieComeBack for suggesting Word Weaver for the name of my writing contest, I DELETED THE WHOLE POST.


Also, some nice anonymous person suggested this as a image.

word weaver anon

Isn’t that nice? I’d thank them but I don’t know who it was, and if I go edit this later I might delete it, too. So they’ll remain in anonymity fore a while.

It’s gonna be that kind of day. Better do a backup before I continue editing.

This was my original image idea, done quickly:

word weaver 1

And here’s what I did yesterday

word weaver 2

Not sure about that last one. We’re getting there, though. Do you like any of them???

Anyway, you’re all caught up now.

28 replies on “Oops”

I like them all, but I think your original would be my preference. Also, if you decide on the last one (I do like the black background), PLEASE change to rose to white – I’m a Yorkist and couldn’t have anything to do with red roses,I’m afraid!! 😉

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I’m a fan of the first. I like the vines in general, but they seem a little odd with the word Weaver in the title. You could have done something with a braided cord, a loom, a spool of thread, or even an orb-weaver spider (you know one of those monstrous large bodied spiders. Hmm, scratch that last suggestion. The vines would still work, but it might be nice if you could make them appear to weave in and out of the letters. I think there are some free fonts out there that could do just that. Sorry – just my random thoughts.

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I agree with Allie P. You need a hemp rope, or a wicker font, or a basket….

For a tag line…hmm

Plaint prose and parable into phrase and parlance

(I like me some alliteration….)

Spin a story; fashion a fable; mesh a mystery; twine a tale; knit a novel.

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I like the black background because the words “writing contest” are the most eye catching. The rose doesn’t bother me but I’ll go with the consensus to delete it.

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What do YOU think? Let me hear from ya.