
Not Bragging, Just Saying

Here’s some recent Twitter activity.

00 twitter impressions

Is that good? Is it not good? (Wednesday sure kicked ass!) I’m pretty happy with it overall, and I didn’t tweet every day or spend a lot of time most days when I did.

How’s this picture of my activity compare to yours?

Not bragging; just saying: you can see days with high activity and days without. What drives it?

I talked about that in our marketing book (that you can get free, see below) and in some of these posts by me HERE, and HERE, and one by Jenny HERE

Help yourself. This stuff works.

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Your humble host

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Dan Alatorre is the author of several bestsellers and the amazingly great upcoming sci fi action thriller “The Navigators.” Click HERE to check out his other works.


10 replies on “Not Bragging, Just Saying”

I am so amazed at your twitter buzz. Obviously you have great things to say…like a great writer that you are. The numbers are speaking for themselves. The writing is on the wall. You have become an icon…writer…personality of choice. People love what you have to say…as with all great writers. Keep doing what you are doing. I love your positive wonderful thoughts you share with me, and other writers. Congratulations.

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Thanks. I’m not sure congratulations are in order but I do think all of you can do this, too. If your numbers are less, let’s help you get them where you want them, and if they’re more, share some tips to teach the rest of us. I want us all to have awesome numbers!

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