
Auto-Post YOUR Blog To Google+ (the biggest search engine in the world isn’t a bad place to be!)

Guest blog post by R. Todd Henrichs
Guest blog post by
R. Todd Henrichs

Here on the blog, we are all about helping writers become more efficient and more effective. Sometimes that means talking about how to write better dialogue and sometimes that means letting your blog posts be seen by as many people as possible.

If we can accomplish those things in a simple manner, there’s no reason to do it. I have my blog automatically post to a Facebook author page. I don’t do anything to make that happen. When I mentioned this, one of our very smart readers mentioned that you can do something very similar and have your blog post go to Google plus.

Considering that Google is the largest and strongest most popular and best search engine in the universe, why would you not want your stuff to go there, especially if it can go there with almost no effort from you?

And by almost no effort, I mean once you get this set up, there’s no effort.

So to explain that to us here is our good friend R. Todd Henrichs.


r todd blog
R. Todd Henrich’s blog

Dan asked me to do a how-to on setting up your WordPress account with Google+. Let me start by saying thanks (insert tons of accolades here to how great Dan and his blog are and feigned humility for him asking me to do this) and this is my first how-to blog, so please, go easy on me.

To start, for those who use the native WordPress blogging platform, this is about as straight forward a process as you can get. There are several ways to go about doing this, but I’m going to show you the one that is easiest (considering the facelift that WordPress has recently gone through).

The Easy Way

The following assumes you only have one blog on WordPress.

First, start a new entry. Then stare at the blank page and let the fear seep into you because you think you are about to have to face the dreaded white-page. But… fear not, we are totally bypassing this monster for the moment. Instead, scroll down the right hand side of the page, past the Tags & Categories section, and just passed the Featured Image.

You should come to a portion of the side bar that is titled Sharing.

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Click to enlarge image

This is where WordPress allows you share with any of the connected social media sites that you have. If yours doesn’t have any of these boxes, make sure the arrow in the right hand corner of the Sharing box is in the open (pointing up) position. What we are looking for here is that little plus sign at the bottom. Go ahead and click on it.

Your screen should now look like this:

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Click to enlarge image, here, too.

At this point, it is super simple. Just click on the Connect button or Reconnect button if there is a problem (like my LinkedIn account, which I totally broke just for this example… totally).

At this point, you will get a pop-up window and it will ask you to log into your account. Once you have done that, your all set.

Just make sure that you check or uncheck the Google+ box to have your post show up there (it should go without saying that if it’s unchecked, you will not post it to Google+).


10957568_783902161663446_2236527941432339218_nThanks to Todd for helping with that. Check out his blog HERE.

Maybe he’ll tell us where that picture of him in front of that scary castle was taken.


Your humble host.
Your humble host.

REBLOG me! Or SHARE this post on Facebook and Twitter! See those little buttons down below? Put on your glasses. There they are. Click them. The FOLLOW button is now in the lower right hand corner.

Got a QUESTION? ASK IT! Hit the Contact Me button and I’ll see what I can do. (I have lots of smart friends.)

Dan Alatorre is the author of several bestsellers and the hilarious upcoming novel “Poggibonsi: an italian misadventure.” Click HERE to check out his other works.

40 replies on “Auto-Post YOUR Blog To Google+ (the biggest search engine in the world isn’t a bad place to be!)”

Well Dan, it was a pleasure writing this for you. This post represents two firsts in my ‘blogging career’. First guest post and first how-to (ok, there was that one time I wrote about writing how to make Mac-n-Cheese in 42 easy steps, but it wasn’t a real ‘how-to’).

And that photo was taken by my wife on our most recent trip to Universal Studios Florida in front of Hogwart’s or Meade or Dumble-down-the-door… I don’t know, some Harry Potter place.

Again, thanks.

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When I went to do this, my WordPress was saying my Facebook connection was broken. I’m pretty sure it was still working (it did just the day before) but when FB upgraded, WP probably thought something was wring. Might be the same for LinkedIn. Always test to be sure.


What do YOU think? Let me hear from ya.