
ReBlogging – What’s That All About?

There's even MORE shit I have to do?
There’s even MORE shit I have to do?

While you are building (or expanding) your platform, it’s a great time to polish, edit and add or delete whatever you want added to or deleted from your book. Plus, a lot of the time we have to make choices about what the blurb will say and what the cover needs to look like. Bouncing that stuff off a bunch of Facebook author page friends or Twitter followers or Blog subscribers is a great way to see what the feedback is – and spend no money to find out.

Part of the way you increase your base is by adding people as followers on Twitter, Facebook, and your blog, or whatever other social media you like doing. Most of you have blogs, so let’s focus there.

That's how it feels, yeah.
That’s how it feels, yeah.

Look what happened when I posted and tweeted about my friend recently, and then reblogged one of her posts the next day. Many followers and subscribers came on board. Imagine 20 people doing that over the next few months. Booyah! Big numbers!

Now, if that was easy…

But it’s only as hard as finding them and asking them (and maybe becoming friends for a while first). There are lots of people who have a crazy amount of followers – which is a few hundred more than you, however many you have.

I have an artist friend with 1250 followers to her blog, a good amount. But if she has a personality like yours, and if you were to become friends with her, she might post and tweet and reblog your stuff sometime, like oh, say when your book comes out. Or she might not. I have never asked her to reblog anything, and she may protect the heck out of her brand, who knows. But I’m not the only person with a blog and neither is she.

I can make friends...
I can make friends…

As you make friends with writers and bloggers, you might ask if you can reblog something of theirs, like I did for my friend. Or just do it. Merry Christmas! Look what happened! Many of my followers became your followers, too!

And when they repay the favor, or even if they just thank you, their people see your stuff and some come over.

Your mom was right. Sharing is awesome.

That is what’s in in for other people who would reblog your stuff. It’s a sales thing: show them what’s in it for THEM.

Then what happened? My friend was invigorated! That’s a nice thing, too.

Interact? With People?
Interact? With People?

This reblog stuff works. A LOT. I don’t do it much cos I never had anybody who wanted to reblog my stuff. Oh, wait, why didn’t I reblog their stuff? I don’t know. Didn’t think of it. And the people who would’ve said yes were teeny tiny. Nobody wanted to reblog me… probably.

What the hell did I know? Everybody needs content or wants a day off at times. Or wants a bunch of new followers with almost no effort on their part.

I did a post on race a while back, and a few people reblogged it. I had NO idea what would happen. (Not about the race thing, about the reblog thing.) BOOM, did my follower count jump. And when people stopped in to read that, they said hey, this guy is smart and funny. What else does he talk about that’s interesting and relevant to me? Click, click, click… subscribe.

And maybe they become a reblog opportunity later. Because they obviously have great taste and so would their followers.

My blog is centered around helping others put books out, but that means helping cookbook people and photographers and poets as well as authors. So in a way, everything is relevant. I can reblog anything. Or be reblogged by almost anyone. Which means I can help and be helped by almost anybody.

Which should help a LOT when it’s time to roll out another book – mine or theirs.


Your humble host.
Your humble host.

REBLOG me! Or SHARE this post on Facebook and Twitter! See that “F” and “T” buttons down below? Click them. Put on your glasses. There they are.

Got a QUESTION? ASK IT! Hit the Contact Me button and I’ll see what I can do.

Dan Alatorre is the author of several bestsellers and the hilarious upcoming novel “Poggibonsi: an italian misadventure.” Check out his other works HERE .

56 replies on “ReBlogging – What’s That All About?”

Curiously, I was having a think about this very subject this morning, Dan and I do have a question.
I reblog a lot, if I enjoyed reading something I want to share, so I do, a lot.
Now, I get so many emails from people who have read my reblogs, thanking me. I’m sure most of them think I wrote them all myself.
What I would love to know is this, does the original blogger get an email too?
Or am I doing something basically wrong?
Not the sharpest knife in the box when it comes to technology, so I worry…

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Jenanita, as is often the case, the answer is: it depends.

The original author has to have their site set up to be able to be reblogged (some don’t, on purpose)
The original writer has to have their SETTINGS set up to received messages if they get reblogged
Then they have to pay attention.Sometimes it’s easy to have a notice get lost among a bunch of incoming emails. It happens.

Also, different people use the word “reblogging” differently. On WordPress, there’s a button. On other sites there isn’t, and a reblog may involve copy-pasting the link, copy-pasting a few paragraphs, and commenting with an introduction. THAT can involve a little more work, and obviously the original writer doesn’t get a notice unless the reblogger send him/her one.

Simple, huh?

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Good post. Reblogging is great. I’ve found so many great blogs from reblogs. On my blog West Coast Review almost everything is a reblog. I love it when someone reblogs my Vampire Maman posts.

That said – I only reblog posts that I LOVE and feel strongly about.

BUT some folks go overboard and it all seems like so much SPAM dumped on me all at once. I’ve unfollowed a few folks because of too much shared goodness. Limit it to just one or maybe two a day (or a week.)

Some folks love the blogs with a dozen reblogs a day, but it is just too much for me. Just give me your choice favorites so I have time to read and savor them.

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Hi and thanks.
I reblog articles that I read and I know the readers that subscribed to my blog will get something out of it. For example, I love reblogging Chris’s Monday Morning Funnies. I never fail to get a laugh and it picks up my Monday. I find reblogging to be a very important tool.

And now, A.J. reblogged this and now I know about you. Reblogging is cool.


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Being new to this blogging business, I do have a question. I have reblogged a couple of times, one of them was you, but now I wonder about the etiquette of it, hoping I didn’t get it wrong. Should I be asking permission before I do it, or is the fact that (on WordPress anyway) bloggers have the option to disallow reblogging, mean that permission is implied by default? I mean, if I ever had anything good enough to be reblogged, I would be more than happy for people to just do it because it would help people discover me. Is that the general feeling across the board?

I will of course (with your permission) reblog this because it is, as always, an awesome post.

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Once again, it depends.

First, you can reblog anything of mine from this blog, period. Other authors might not have a reblog button, so you can copy the link and post it with some comments; generally you want to acknowledge who the author of the material is. Then there are some sites that go out of their way to tell you NOT to copy, reblog etc. (They are pretty obvious.)

If there’s a button, reblog. Usually the original author gets a notice and has to approve.

If anybody dislkes what you’ve done, which would be rare, simply apologize and take the blog down, no biggie.


Reblogged this on Tess M Garfield and commented:
I hope I don’t cause some sort of paradox by reblogging a blog post about reblogging!

Dan is, as always, full of helpful tips and advice. Show him some love and give him a follow, you won’t regret it.

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Serendipity for you. I’ll be posting about you with a reblog on Sunday! Thanks for putting this out there. I think the more we blog about blogging, readers understand the value more. PS. you should really add your @savvystories to your twitter share button. When we retweet, it doesn’t say your handle, only, so you may not be aware how many do tweet. Because I retweet much of your stuff I know your handle off by heart, lol, but many others don’t. Just sayin’ 🙂

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Great tips Dan. I am not really familiar with reblogging and wondered if I needed to ask permission. Sometimes you read a blog and just want to share the other person’s information, insight or guidance because you found it helpful. Looking forward to reading more! Reblogged on spiritofdragonflies.wordpress. Thank you:)

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[…] Reblog it, or link it to your blog. If you had fun, say so. (You will.) Blog readers will enjoy seeing additional sides of you as demonstrated via your conversations with Dan, Jenny and Allison. Be sure to reply to any comments your readers make, and if they are authors, encourage them to contact us to appear. Better yet, reach out to us on their behalf; that makes you a go-to for asset and builds your value to them. […]


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