
Twitter Hashtags to Connect With More Readers (and other authors, too)

Where can I find good hashtags for my blog posts that I tweet about???
Where can I find good hashtags for my blog posts that I tweet about???

Sometimes, you need a little help. Okay, a lot of the time. Well, why struggle alone?

Recently we discussed getting your massive tome written “Get It Out of Your Head And Into The Computer” here

Now we need a few ways to get your stuff noticed.

Use these hashtags to connect with authors and/or readers. Try some and see which ones work for you, and let us know so we can share them with others. Thanks in advance. Tomorrow we’ll have an abbreviated lust for every day use.


Like this guy. He looks author-y
Like this guy. He looks author-y

Connect With Other Authors







#BookMarket (Thursday’s at 4 pm ET)






#LitChat (every M/W/F)

#MemoirChat (every other Wednesday at 8 pm ET)

#NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month is held every November)

#PBLitChat (picture books only)




#WANA (We are Not Alone community)






#WriterWednesday (or #WW or ##WW)










Do cook books count as a genre?
Do cook books count as a genre?

Connect By Book Genre























#MGLit (Middle Grade Lit)












#RWA (Romance Writers of America)

#SCBWI (Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators)

#Science #Fiction






#Short #Stories










It's in here somewhere!
It’s in here somewhere!

Get Industry Information










#IAN or #IAN1 (Independent Author Networking)



#IndiePub (or #IndiePublishing)







#VSS (very short story)






This works, too, for most writers.
This works, too, for most writers.

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

#1K1H or #1K1HR (write one thousand words in one hour)




#WIP (work in progress)








Your heart, until you connect with your readers.
Your heart, until you connect with your readers.

Connect With Readers



















#ff (Friday Follow)

#fRead0 (that’s a zero at the end – not a lower case oh)



























#MyWANA (Writer’s community created by Kirsten Lamb)























#TeaserTuesday or #TeaserTues






I feel your pain.
I feel your pain.

Promotion, Marketing & Networking







This list was stolen from

Helpful, huh?

Dan Alatorre is the author of several bestsellers and the hilarious upcoming novel “Poggibonsi” – yeah, we know. We’re trying to convince him to change that title – check out his other works here and check back often for interesting stuff.

6 replies on “Twitter Hashtags to Connect With More Readers (and other authors, too)”

What do YOU think? Let me hear from ya.